Patented solution

Our in-app patented reviews solution is the smart way to deliver reviews across multiple retailers. Once our members have had time to try the products they have bought, we ask them to leave us a review. They do this directly in our app, from where it is posted directly onto retailer sites, or just collected by our servers for use in your advertising or social media. 

Our solution:

  • Delivers 100% verified purchase reviews using smart technology
  • Syndicates reviews automatically onto multiple retailer sites
  • Captures the content before and after it is posted.
  • Delivers a stream of fresh reviews simply and easily

Rachel D

”The product is very good in taste and it tastes like really fresh”

The best reviews

The most impactful product reviews are...

  • Recently created: The most recent ones should always be less than 6 months old.
  • Exact SKU: They must be about the specific product involved not some average for the range.
  • Verified purchasers: Reviews from real “verified purchase” shoppers who have bought the product for themselves and not just sent it in the post. 
  • Impactful number: Enough reviews to give a reader confidence in the average rating, a minimum of 30.
  • Everyday language: They must be varied and true shopper speech, that only independent unmoderated content delivers.
  • With a variety of views: Generally, higher ratings (4.2-4.5) will drive a higher Rate of Sale, but varying content reviews have the highest impact.

    Source: CheckoutSmart / PowerReviews
CheckoutSmart UGC solution

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simple choice for getting ratings & reviews

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Reviews influence all sales not just online

Reviews are read at home and in-store

Of course, shoppers read reviews when doing their online shopping, but these days they also read them they are in or near a store, at home, at work, and even walking down the street.

Our research across nearly 3,000 regular grocery shoppers revealed that:

  • Online & Offline grocery shoppers regularly seek out and read grocery product reviews. They can be at home, in the store or on a bus when this happens.
  • Google is the friend of the shopper looking for grocery reviews, so brand owners need to have enough good quality reviews on all relevant online sites.
  • Shoppers are prompted most often to discover product reviews by seeing a product in-store, ads / social posts or when looking for a new product in a familiar category. It is critical if you are marketing to shoppers that your products are supported with reviews.
  • Research Online and Purchase Offline (ROPO) is a common grocery shopper behaviour, but many shoppers see a product they are curious about in the store. Their first instinct is to read the reviews right where they are in front of the fixture.