Why you should always be growing your reviews

Shoppers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their approach to using ratings and reviews. They understand the need for not just a good number of reviews but critically, that they must be recent and they read only a handful of them.

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Fresh reviews are way more impactful

You should always be adding reviews to your products because…

  • 97% of shoppers consider reviews recency as relevant when considering buying a new product
  • 86% of shoppers feel that review recency is more important when considering a product or brand they haven’t purchased before
  • 62% will not purchase a product if the only reviews available were published +1 year ago.
  • Food & Drink reviews have been growing, for example, the average number of reviews in ASDA has grown from 6 to 29 in just 2 years
  • Most shoppers only read between 1 and 10 reviews, recent unfavourable reviews can unfairly impact shoppers' perception of your brand
Beyond just high quality genuine reviews

What does our “Always On” program give you?

We create a specific program of reviews of your SKUs. At least every 6 months, we will deliver new reviews on every SKU in every retailer, guaranteeing they stay fresh, relevant and competitive.
Against an agreed list of SKUs we will produce an “Always on” proposal that will include actions to:

  • Grow your reviews beyond the average - You need at least 30 reviews to make an impact, but growing them beyond that does increase their effectiveness and helps keep you ahead of the competition.
  • Ensure freshness of reviews - Delivering c. 5-10 genuine reviews every 6 months per retailer for all SKUs. Fresher reviews as significantly more effective in influencing ROS.
  • Automatically alert & action – Sourcing more genuine reviews on a SKU where there is an unfair perception coming from a recent unfair one.
  • Report on progress - Regularly updating your business with the total number and average ratings of reviews and progress over time.
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