Make your reviews available from anywhere

Consumers are always looking to understand more about products, especially new products and the first place they turn is your product ratings & reviews. To date, these have been hosted and controlled by retailers, but what if there was a place you can have them showcased your way?

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Link to your reviews from anywhere

Our showcased reviews give consumers and brand owners just what they need.

  • 78% of online grocery shoppers are more likely to purchase an unknown grocery item if there are customer reviews for that product.
  • Simple to access reviews on that product from any smart phone, tablet or PC. Just click the link / scan the QR code to go to the reviews for exactly that product.
  • Make them available on pack, on Point of Sale, in traditional advertising and digital marketing using QR codes or links.
  • Showcase reviews works perfectly with our “Always on” approach ensuring the latest reviews are immediately available to all potential consumers
Get your own branded mini site for displaying your reviews

How does our Showcase reviews program work?

We just need to agree the scope for the program and a few choices about the design execution and we get on building your solutions which we populate with your existing reviews and add new ones as we generate them.

With a Showcase, you also get the right to link to the reviews from wherever and use the reviews in all media.

The typical steps to launch a Showcase program…

  • Agree on the scope of the project:
    - SKUs to be covered
    - Timeframe for hosting (usually 1–3 years initially)
    - CheckoutSmart or branded site?
    - Additional links required
    - Additional product or review materials eg videos or extra images / product information
  • We build the site pages and integrate the marketing materials and reviews.
  • You review the site before launch
  • We supply URLs for integration into packs, Point of Sale, digital marketing, poster advertising etc
  • Shoppers read reviews and buy more of your brand!
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