Create instant shopper action with SmartActivation

Whether it is a recent NPD, a slow-moving line or as a result of being let down by a retailer, there are times when you want to get shoppers to take instant action and increase rate of sale.

  • Using cashback offers via app and web we can run activity in any retailer in an hour
  • Drive smart trial of your NPD with follow-up to deliver ongoing conversion
  • Replace retailer activity driving instant volume and a visible category share shift in one retailer or many
  • Save your slow-moving lines from delist threats by supporting the specific SKUs exactly when required
  • All of which is delivered to a fixed budget and under the radar of the retailers. 

More effective investment


Freedom & flexibility




We are experts


No more paper coupons

What can SmartActivation do for your brand?

Make a fast, flexible impact on your sales

More effective investment

Your investment is more effective because the offers are delivered directly to the shopper, driving the behaviour and the personal relationship you want to create with your consumers. Offers can be personalised based on demographics or past shopping behaviour.

Freedom and flexibility

We give you the freedom to connect with consumers to fit in with your own brand strategy. We can help you target the right shoppers when you want, with the offer of your choice, across retailers you specify, all within your own agreed budget. You’re in control.

Fast results

SmartActivation campaigns can be set up and activated within the hour, with a detailed analysis of results delivered within two weeks of an activity's completion. SmartResearch and SmartNPD are usually turned around in 5 - 10 working days. 


Our team are all FMCG marketing, sales and category experts. We understand how to create a customised programme of activity that helps brands connect directly with their consumers in the grocery channel, building long-term brand loyalty in a 21st-century way.

No more paper coupons

And with our digital solution, you can say goodbye to the hassle and slowness of paper coupons. Smart millennial shoppers expect their interactions to be personalised, fast, and digital. That's what you get with CheckoutSmart.

CheckoutSmart offers you the ability to use the power of the shopper to help you succeed online and in-store

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